Tuesday, December 31, 2013

NOT a resolution. A Year in Review...

As long as I post this on December 31, 2013, retrying my blog does not count as a New Year's Resolution.  I've never liked or made resolutions and 2014 does not seem like the right time to start.

I am still on the quest to better myself.  It's a long journey, however, I believe I have grown a bit.

I am a follower of The Daily Love and one of their contributors is Christine Hassler.  She posted an idea of doing "A Year in Review."  I think this is a great way to cap of 2013 and start 2014.  Find her article here.

I have to pull up my calendar just to get a glimpse of January because it was felt so far away.  Let's see, in January I was still trying to market my business as a Sign Language Interpreting Agency and hating every minute of it.  However, I was doing a lot of subcontract work and I remember thinking how lucky I was to have the opportunity to work in the settings I was.  Not too bad. OH, we re-financed the house to a wonderfully low interest rate!

My husband turned....26.  We didn't do much, because he's not a big celebration kind of guy.  I continued to do a lot of ongoing work as a subcontractor, but I am starting to feel disillusioned about really doing my business in this market.  However, I did my first workshop.  No one pre-registered, but 8 people showed up.  I really started to think I could do something different with my business...

Really more of the same.  I remember being a bit dejected about marketing my business and deciding to change what I was doing.  I started looking at what I could do to turn my ship around and add some more light into my life.  I also did my second workshop, I doubled my participants.  Exciting!

I started this blog.  It started sort of strong, I felt motivated and excited.  It felt like I was really changing my life (I was) and reading some great stuff.  I went to the state Interpreter Conference.  It was a blast!

This is when I realized that no one was really reading my blog, that the 'traffic' was from hoaky sites.  I decided to trudge on, I didn't trudge very far...  It's around this time that I think I really got that emotions and feelings stem from 2 places - fear and love.  I didn't get a lot of work as a subcontractor, thus I spent a lot of time living out of fear.  We also hit the 2 year mark of being homeowners.

Work picked back up and so did my social calendar.  I also had my trip home to look forward to in July.  I remember feeling like I was digging out of 'fear' and moving towards love.

I spent most of this month in bliss.  My 2 year anniversary with my beautiful husband.  I went home for 2 weeks and visited my family and friends.  My husband came home for the first time in 5 years, we had a great time!  Then, my parents came to my home for a week!  It was amazing!  I worked on my home with my Mom and Dad.  We accomplished so much and I can't even describe what it means to have the love of my parents worked into my home.  YAY JULY!

I got a new interpreting gig.  I had been going after this gig for a bit.  I knew that it would do great things for my skills.  I also, through this gig, have continuing education opportunities.  My subcontracting gigs pick up again.  It's also hot.... really hot!

I am in the rhythm of both gigs, adding in social things to help balance me out. I am still reading self discovery books.

A good friend is created in Theresa Powers.  By listening to her dreams I decide to to challenge her.  I am terrified that I have offended her, however, I am able to help her start the process of creating her dreams.  It is fascinating, fascinating in ways I can't even describe.  It's so much fun watching her be the success she deserves.

It's my birthday.  I love my birthday!!  I got a "Thank You Mood!" shirt and the complete hardbound collector's edition of "Calvin & Hobbes."  Needless to say, it was great!  I also did a lot of traveling.  I got to go for a week long training and to Las Vegas for the first time.  I watched my husband give his mother away in a beautiful ceremony.  It was great.

Looking back on the year, I have had struggles with life.  However, I think the year was great.  I did a third workshop and worked with Theresa and she has helped me to plan out and make a shift in myself.  I did a vision board workshop and realized that my goal in life, at this time, is to Facilitate Growth.   There are financial aspects to this, but I realized at the end of the month, I have already done what I wanted.  I facilitate growth in my workshops and I bet I am already making my hourly goal with how my work unfolds.  Pretty amazing.

So, that's my year.  2014 looks really great.

I am excited!