Monday, May 13, 2013


In an effort to de-clutter my brain, I told a good friend my woes of riding the Crazy Train from last post.

She laughed at me and said I needed a hobby. I agree, that's why I have a whole room full of hobbies, it is called my craft room. As of late, it is a crap-catch-all room. I have boxes full of unfinished projects. BOXES!!

I really need to clean up in there and get into some of those projects. I normally start a project and then find myself bored or, more likely, overly worried about the outcome. And then BAM, I'm sitting in the living room with my pacifier, also known as the TV.  I know that's silly, but that's kinda the reality.

I'm considering going all out house wife. I generally fight the typical male/female roles in the home because, well to be honest, because I don't want to appear weak. Again, silly, I know.  Maybe that will help slow the crazy train down...?

I know cleaning house isn't a hobby, but it sure would be nice to live in a clean home. Our house isn't dirty, it is just lived in looking.  Plus, there's always dishes in the sink.  And as of this morning, I am out of coffee mugs.

Plus, the garden will be done soon, so that will be another hobby-ish activity in my life.

Maybe I'll get some house plants....

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