Tuesday, April 23, 2013

No direction leads to more of the same

I am a strong believer in "what you think about, you bring about."

Basically, the more you think about something, the more it shows itself in your life.

In my life that means, for the last... oh I don't know.... six months, I have felt lost.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my life, I love what I do and the fact that I can watch as much TV as I want is pretty spectacular.

However, the more I thought about not knowing what to do has lead to more feelings of the same.  I decided to read more on the law of attraction/love, positive thinking, meditation, etc.  All the stuff you're supposed to do and care about as an enlightened person.  It's fun, I enjoy my library and the fact that Colorado is a pretty hip place with a wide selection of "positive books" as I call them.  I still feel/felt lost, if not much happier to be in such a lost place.  The audio books I have listened to have turned my drive time, which I have a lot of, into times of reflection and learning.  It's awesome, you should try it.

What do you do with all this knowledge?  I thought about writing a book about the books I've read.  A book about books sounds pretty cool to me, but I'm so easily distracted.  My 'book'  has about 5 pages and 16 chapters with nothing but rambling on a word doc on my desktop.  I even borrowed a book on writing books from the Library.  It wasn't bad, but it didn't capture my attention, which was both ironic and kind of sad.

So, I decided my new dream was to be successful enough to move my family so that they are closer to me so that way I can start my own family.  How does one do that exactly?  Become more successful?  Do you peddle ideas like mine (Habit Stones), do you write a book, do you play the stock market, buy homes and become a landlord, play the lottery???  I know for a fact working some job you hate wont get you there, because I did that for a short period of time and hated everything, ever.  Can you think it into being?

I've read a lot that says you can in fact think it into being.  "It" being success and wealth and such.  Which leads me back to clearing up the mind clutter I got going on.  Any thoughts or tips blog-o-sphere world and/or universe?!  I'm pretty sure it doesn't get fixed by watching more tv... folding laundry might help (as the dryer alarm goes off....again).

Maybe it is as simple as deciding that you/I have direction. Hmmm, "I have direction."  Just saying it in my head made me smile.  Maybe that's what I will try next.


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