Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Practice Love

I was listening to an audio book today and the phrase "practice love" leapt out at me.

I've heard this before. Many times!  I try vaguely to implement this philosophy in my life but, today, I think it might have clicked.

Now, I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to hate anyone, anymore.  I was probably 16 at the time. Why expend that kind of energy on someone that you can't stand?  It makes no sense.  Today I realized that,  while I am successful in not hating a person, I continue to hate that persons actions or what I perceive their transgressions against me to be.

In other words, I don't hate Bobette, I hate the fact that I feel like s/he abandoned me and didn't help me in the way I wanted.  That jerk!  There are two people in my life that fall into this category.  One more than the other.  I have thought that I didn't care, but recently I realized that I am harboring some pretty strong emotions that are limiting me.

These limitations are now so strong, I can not ignore them.  These feelings, which are like poison, have managed to manifest themselves in my life and make me sick!!  I am considering not living up to my potential for fear of dealing with these people.  How crazy is that?!  All the while I know, at the core of my being, that these people did all that they knew how to do.  Without those situations, I could not be in this moment right now.  And my moments, my present state, is pretty awesome.

So, while driving and having my minor epiphany I told them that I love them.  It's pretty freeing.  The farther I am from that moment, the less exhilarating it feels to love someone, despite their actions, but it is still there.

"I love you Bobette.  I wish you all the best.  I love you."

Letting go is not the easiest trick in the book, but I think it might be one of the most worthwhile.

How's that for a Wednesday morning?

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